Adjust your thermostat and reduce energy bills by using a ceiling fan year-round with the correct seasonal setting for optimal comfort.
Read MoreWhen is the last time you scheduled routine maintenance on your home’s air conditioning system? If the answer is more than a year ago, or you can’t remember, it’s probably time to schedule a preventative maintenance visit.
Read MoreWhen your cooling system malfunctions or completely breaks down, you have a decision: do you repair or do you replace your air conditioner?
Read MoreWhen is the last time you scheduled routine maintenance on your home’s air conditioning system? If the answer is more than a year ago, or you can’t remember, it’s probably time to schedule a preventative maintenance visit.
Read MoreYou may not know it, but you already have important mold-control technology installed in your home: your air conditioning unit. Mold doesn’t need much to survive. A food supply, the right temperatures, and sufficient moisture are the only ingredients necessary for fungi to thrive.
Read MoreWinter is here! Our Northern Virginia winters bring temperatures in the 30s, sometimes lower, and usually a big batch or two of snow. Winter in Loudoun County means plenty of time spent indoors in the company of family, some favorite electronic devices and your trusty HVAC heating system.
Read MoreAre you starting to get sticker shock when looking at your utility bills? You’re not alone. All across the country utility rates are going up. Many homes also have aging HVAC systems that are not as efficient as modern systems.
Read MoreWe get the question all the time. “You’re charging me $300 for a part that I can get for half of that price on Amazon. Why shouldn’t I just buy the part online and pay the lower price?” The easy answer is because we are in the “service industry”.
Read MorePete Danielson, home services expert and co-owner of Modern Mechanical’s One Hour Heating & Air Conditioning demonstrates how quickly dirty air can fill the “room” without proper air purification.
Read MoreSignificant Changes in Energy that Affect Every Homeowner Some things every smart homeowner knows. We know to test our smoke detectors and our air filters every month.
Read MoreWarning: Your fancy, high priced air filter could be doing more harm than good. Follow the bouncing ball in this cool demonstration as home services expert Pete Danielson...
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